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Initially, we hope to appoint a part-time project coordinator after renovation and new works completion. This staff  member will be responsible for tasks such as managing the development and implementation of an online booking system, training  volunteers, assisting the board to develop policies, putting in place procedures for monitoring and evaluation and helping to implement our marketing strategy. 


Within three years, we aim to have a sufficiently  skilled and committed base of volunteers to cover administrative duties, and to have developed procedures that allow us to make full use of the hall. They would liaise with current and potential users, update social and local media, and visitor information platforms and help with fundraising and events management. It is likely that trustees will carry this out initially but other volunteers will be recruited to share skills and knowledge particularly on such home based flexible commitment activities. All involved will benefit from enhanced knowledge and skills related to conservation and the historic environment. 


If you have skills you can offer and would like to get involved then please contact us.

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