Coordinating Fundraising Trustee
Mary is a statistician and was a senior NHS Manager with responsibility for over 600 staff.
Qualifications: BSC Statistics, MBA.
Other relevant experience: Chair of a small environmental charity as well as being a trustee for several others, including Kilmaronock Community Trust. Lifelong volunteer; led fundraising for a new Brownie House for Guiding Scotland. Elder in Lomond Parish Church.

Carol Service – Sunday 15th December 2024
Our Carols by Candlelight Service will take place in the kirk on Sunday 15th December at 3.00pm. The service will be led by the Reverend John Murning and the Gartocharn B Flats will be taking part. This will be the sixth ecumenical service of 2024.
Following the carol service, mince pies, mulled wines, coffee and tea will be available.
All ages are most welcome. Come join us if you can.